It was an experience that lent me more insight into life, than many others have as of late. I felt close to the earth. Not in a funky pantheistic, greeny-save-the-whales kind of way, but rather in a way that really made me genuinely appreciate this planet that houses our homes.
As I stroked my rake along the fallen auburn leaves, I very much likened the experience to the combing of a little girls' hair. Me and my friends, we raked, and made the earth quoft and smooth and cared-for, with our gentle, purposeful strokes.
Later in the day, I was taking a walk with a trio of sandy-haired sisters. As I pushed the baby-cart along, the two older one's scootered behind and in front of me. Their street, too, had been blessed by the falling of firey-red and yellow leaves. Each of us would stop every so often to pick one up, inspect it in youthful wonder, and place it atop the stroller roof, to tote home with us.
I was pleased to see that each of us were drawn to different leaves. Sometimes the girls would bring one to me with delight and awe, and add it to our collection, and I would deem it rather plain, or much like some of the others... But I realized to that girl, it was a small miracle of God's artistic Manifesto. I like that he takes the care to design specific little snips and twigs to delight and bemuse us individually! I felt like that whole sidewalk was giant tailored gift to this world. If we just took the time, we could surely all find our very own personalized perfect autumn leaf.
I was particularly struck by the variety to be found in these shells of lifeless skeletons of greener, fuller days. There was beauty in their death. More beauty in a single leaf, fallen and crinkled, ruddy and tawny... than in a whole green shimmering springtime tree. Well, maybe perhaps not more... but certainly "just as much"... and a different beauty. A deeper one perhaps. One of a hidden, painful, peaceful surrender... I looked into the blood-red veins of such a leaf, and thought about God's care for us, and how he had birthed the same sentiment in us, to be able to tend and caress this beautiful firmament of fallen foliage... and found rest for my soul as well.
"Autumn burned brightly, a running flame through the mountains, a torch flung to the trees." - Faith Baldwin-