Monday, January 30, 2012

Seven Sun Rises

This week I watched the earth greet the light each day. Every morning, I learned something different. Here's a record.
1. There is beauty in the cold, grey rainy morning.
2. Though the sky changes, He never changes.
3. Follow, even when the path is unseen. Trust Him; He is leading.
 4. My life is full of gifts. I must remember to keep my eyes open.
5. Good things come to those who wait. Wait for the cloud to pass.
6. Be still and know that He is God. Do not grow impatient... Because,
7. on the seventh day, the white owl flies over blue waters and is fed.
Somehow, somewhere the sun is always shining. :-)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


From today:

Ethel, laying by the pool in her bathingsuit, knitting and humming along to her praise music.  I wanna be like her when I'm a Grandma.

These words said to me: "You smell like Coconut Creme Pie." Even if it was from the bulgey-eyed man in the thrift store that got a bit close.

All the people wearing overalls in the ceramics room.

Being reunited with all my old TEFL classmates.

Taking Sunshine to Diaperville and Pottyland and The Enchanted Toothbrush Forest, like they were theme parks, and singing gospel with her.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Things to remember:

The words in this song.
We don't have the most loveliest of voices but
we do have the most loveliest of God.

Beg Steal or Borrow

I still have many, many questions.

Simple ones, even, like "Now that I am out of bed, what am I supposed to do?" But as life unfolds itself, I am starting to understand it a bit; it's not so much what we choose to do, but who we are doing so.  I think one of my struggles is always wanting to see everything as poetry. I'm constantly translating everything I see or hear so that my heart can understand it in a beautiful, or sentimental or idealistic way.  For now, I don't mind keeping things inside my head.  There have been times where I felt my spirit screamed for a soul to share things with.  But for now, I am content waiting and enjoying the thoughts as they ramble across my mind, in the quietness and tranquility of my spirit.  There's this verse that talks about "Mary treasuring these things up in her heart".  Well, it's kind of like that.

(On another note: I'm glad my Dad listens to bluegrass pandora as he sits next to me)