Sunday, July 10, 2011


If anybody every wondered what the inside of Markus's mind looked like, they can now know. This was written by him one night, as he sat in front of the computer and randomly typed his interpretations of the conversations occurring in our livingroom.

"A bear kills a child.
But in all reality it was not the end. One of the kids was dreaming a nightmare and suddenly woke with a scream his parents rushed into his room and said what’s the matter he said mother what big teeth you have you must be a vampire. Brandon continues to laugh at his dumb jokes and proceeds to the door to go to sleep in Maddy’s shed(while Maddy sleeps in the living room). It is now silent as Pat Bryan and I sit alone in the living room. Bryan begins to talk. Something about enjoying big people and random nonchristians contact him and show up at random places for instance showed up at adorn one night and some other friends from high school come to his house surrounded by Christians. Cole Bennett? Who’s that I don’t know but Bryan had a gathering of Cedars. Praying before eating+worship songs= environment productive instead of beer. He was walking down by tennis courts and Jesus said HI to him and he had(s) lots of demonic oppression upon him, in him. As I read this Bryan continues to deliriously laugh…maddy walks in with a slight chuckle….Bryan explains the significance of my recording of our living room conversations while Maddy sits down and expects some sort of treat from me. I give her a weird look. I begin to read. They get a big kick out of it while Bryan itches his upper thigh. We should go to magic mountain Bryan says, but maddy oaths to never go there because of people throwing up on her head. She got pooped on by people at a theme park says Pat. Some kid ran around in a circle on Santa Cruz board walk at a zoo in the obitchuaries with lots of birds with their lack of poop area muscles. Maddy asks me for the word and I don’t respond because I am”deep in thought” little does she know I’m trying to type. Pat doesn’t like rides and maddy wants someone to pay for her and for there to be no one in line so she can be in the middle of crowds. Her favorite thing: She is an introvert while in the middle of a crowd of people. Like in Montreal she would sit in a  coffee shop and be quiet and think her own thoughts Bryan convicts her of desiring the company of strangers rather than close friends while Pat stirs in his sleeping bag and mumbles a few words. Bryan was flying by himself from Texas because of His uncle’s book and Pat asks me if I am still typing and I want to say that I said no but I said Yes because I don’t lie. Bryan was introducing random crowds to French Uno and Ninja. He played ninja with about 20 people who were random and very cool and about Bryans age and he continued to say things and then Maddy adds that plans change while Pat mumbles a few words that only Bryan understands. Pat says, “I don’t know-it’s just cool” Maddy says that she would think it would be cool to-wait she’s not gonna say it oh wait yes she is-many families gathering in the closed down Borders to shield from the toxic waste and she desires more opportunity to get to know strangers and Bryan loves CA but if you go down south you have a 20 minute conversation with the grocery lady. Maddy starts talking about Montreal and how things happen there and Pat then mumbles a few words and Bryan accuses most people of being stuck up. SLO people are different than here. Maddy rocks back and forth in her chair. I’d rather not go on typing but it would be a giddy thing to look back on this years later. Maddy now desires to speak of me and how perfect and sweet I am, how handsome and talented and how Bryan desires my affections(sorry I’m the typist) Pat then wants us to start being quiet but He does not realize that I can type about actions not words which Maddy agrees. Pat proposes to talk about all different subjects so that I can’t understand what to type about but they forget that I’m not dumb. Bryan then(when they are finished) asks Maddy about something but I forgot.  When Maddy was younger she was a grown up and how her conspiracies about planet X control her life."

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