Friday, November 28, 2014

5 became 6, and 2 become 1 (my kind of math)

For many ages, the universe has spun, people have come and gone, traded, explored new lands, written poetry, laughed and cried, sailed, and gone to school, built cities, and bridges, told stories, drank coffee, created empires, sewed blankets, and skinned potatoes on the front porch. 

Today, amid all the hustle and bustle, and through all the long lines and genealogies, two paths converged, enabling two lovers to watch a sunrise, and spend the day together. At the end of it, by a bonfire, and seashells, and dolphins, and hooting owls, they decided to marry, and in so, walk together, throughout the rest of their days.

This evening, my dearest little brother asked his sweetheart to be his always. Perhaps against all the buzz of the ages, the universe allows itself to pause in moments like this. Things of great beauty require acknowledgment and attention. And what greater force than love to stop time and all it's chaos, to cast a sliver of hope and light deep into the cosmos? 

Bright mercy, and gladness, rejoicing, and miracles are all alive today. I only hope that Pat will grow to treasure this woman more with each passing day, and make her feel as loved and valuable as she really is, because he just hit the jackpot. I mean, she did alright too, I guess. :-) Hurray for happy endings... and beautifully merry beginnings!

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Colorful leaves are lining the sidewalks again. I cannot help the flood of memories that accompanies this season. It was then, when the earth was cold and dry and brown that our little green plant was given life, and began to grow. Against even the odds of the cold, darkening days, our little sprout blossomed lovely and hopeful, as if spring were already in it's branches.

We whispered words to each other, excited and full. We walked for miles, with the whole country between us, but we held each other's hearts so dearly near, that we were not alone. We said how if life would separate us, we would surely find each other again... Even if it meant living for years in a little hermit's shack... on a jagged coast. We said a great many precious things... We wrapped up our words in tenderness, and optimistic expectancy. We believed.

For whatever reason, it's falltime once more, and again, we're miles apart. As I look back on the sturdy shoot that began to grown, I feel it's roots, deeper in me, than I ever knew they could be. What is left of it then, besides these, and the memory of shimmering days? Is all that remains, a single falling fiery orange-red leaf? When it hits the ground, will it be buried, like all the rest? Perhaps our plant is tattered and dying, and turning all manner of colors like an autumn fire... I cannot say, and only the great Gardener knows. But I will say, that if it is, I have truly never seen a more beautiful fall-leaf, and have never know a deeper crimson hue.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Waiting Faith

If only you could look into the inside of my heart - like you once did - you would see what gardens grow for you.