Saturday, July 24, 2010

My role in Matrimony

As I spun around on the dance floor, cupcake frosting in my hair and caramel popcorn on the bottom of my shoe, underneath the twinkling diamonds in the sky, It suddenly struck me that 5 out of the last 6 weddings I've attended, I haven't actually been "invited" to.

It made me stop in my tracks for a minute and think... it made me wonder and feel a lot of things; sending me almost on the brink of some deep esoteric soul-searching... but before I could come to any conclusions, my frosting and I took up again.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Mr. Updike

When I write, I aim in my mind not toward New York but a vague spot a little east of Kansas. I think of the books on library shelves, without their jackets, years old, and a countryish teen-aged boy finding them, and having them speak to him. The reviews, the stacks in Brentano’s are just hurdles to get over, to place the books on that shelf.”

Thanks, Mr.Garrison for reading this over the airways of the radio while my father and I drove on APS with our windows rolled down and smiling.  It made for a good moment.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Two little Mexicans, wet from showers, are tucked in bed, down the hall behind me.  The little family of birds are covered in their cage, but they continue to chirp, and regurgitate food to each other.

Something about being tired makes one grateful ....I see my pillow at the end of today [and it is so beautiful].  And I see my life very soon thousands of miles out of reach of this little shelter, my close friends, long days of lifegaurding in the sun, bowling and drive-ins and late night bonfires that warm our faces as we watch the waves glow...

I will savor these moments till the bitter end.  Even if it means drinking coffee at 9 at night.

So, here's to not dozing off on the way home tonight!  God's gonna have to hold my hands on that steering wheel.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Words are very limiting.

A girl I know, just got back from Europe, and came home with a bundle of a unique sort of gift.  To each of her close friends, she dedicated a photograph, taken abroad.  I like this better than anything.'s mine. ;-)
Why this, Jordan; why this one...?  I can think of maybe a million different reasons...  and all of them make me smile.  I just love you.

Plain and simple.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Crown thy good with Brotherhood

17 Faces all lit up 
Lined up
Tucked up
in bags for sleeping.

1 piece of pizza gets passed
from one mouth, to hand, to another's lips,
and on. down the row.

Like communion.
1 Piece of pizza get's multiplied
Like with the five thousand,
Back when
that Prince of Freedom 
was preforming miracles on hillsides

And then again,
on the fourth.
of the seventh month.
of this year.

He did it again.
with love, with communion, and fireworks and freedom and one slice of pizza.
while we all hunkered in holes in the sand
and watched Him.