Saturday, April 23, 2016


I'm in love.
with fresh spaced old places
the crooked path to
this coffeshop sunlight, freedom
kind strangers, crazy yelling drifters
cold winter, melodic spring
San Fransisco. soundtrack of hippies
flowers in their hair, in the park,
thumping through my imagination
windy walking love, heart-break,
written in the cracks of sidewalks
late night drunken lost trippin
searching, all the finding, finding finding
being found
my dad told me he wandered these streets
over and over
i am here
my shoulders feel his footsteps
carrying a heavy load
but free barefoot dirty bearded handsome
i am here, finding.
love for a father grows and grows
all souls need medicine
and here, I see it all around.
this world is too beautiful
entwined humanity breathes in together
the planet spins
sun and moon so perfectly balanced
peace, the strongest force, daughter of love
sustaining all, I lean, and sinues feel her
in the sighs of strangers
in the swirl of this latte
not the best I've ever tasted
but perfect
in this moment
so the best,
everything and nothing right now.
this lot is goodness.

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