Thursday, March 22, 2012


So, I was a bit upset when I rambled on for two pages in my journal about all of my insecurities and quesitons, and doubts, finally ending with this: "All I believe in is beauty. Like in Nature and Music. And things Organic. And things genuine... (wherever they may be)."

Is it funny then, that I saw a wild fox cross the road on my way home from work, and a wild hare trot across my street while riding my bicycle? Also, I find it more than coincidental that after nearly 3 years of searching, my favorite album of music showed up out of the blue. Then, Meg - who at this point I am considering might be a genuine angel -  starts talking to me in the middle of class again, and convinces me in her manner, that sincerity exists on earth.

Perhaps God is speaking to me? All of the things I said I believed in, that brought me joy, it appears he keeps gifting to me, and softly whispering: "Here I am."

But no where in the Bible does it say "You shall see a wild rabbit cross your street, then you shall know I am God."

I don't want the gospel to be something my mind creates.

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