Monday, May 25, 2015

Death Up Close

The heavy-born heart-attack left him in a heap, on stony floor.
Strangers strung round lifting lifeless limbs, prying for a pulse.
In static silence stragglers stayed, and shared their very lungs,
while lunging fists in fits of futile strains upon his chest.
For 30 minutes, he lay still, piss upon his pants,
quite likened to the helpless babe I'd held that morning light.
Helplessly we enter, and helplessly we part,
It is the blinking middle, that sets our lives apart.
The paramedics came and shook his body with a jolt
and twice times ten they did again, and filled his corpse with volts.
Medicine streamed through him by straws stuck in his skin
All stood waiting watching, with the outlook growing dim.
A shiver filled me when at last, the dying man did sigh,
He breathed alone, his stomach rose, life not been denied.

The Maker of all things was present causing me to see
That the Supernatural was most clearly seen in the Natural around me.
The most miraculous thing I'd seen ever in my life, was how God breathed into a lifeless man, with twenty men beside.

In this I saw Him save the world,
using the world...
For God so loved the World.
This is my Father's world.

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