Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Speaking of Which....

My Uncle read me this quote onetime (It came out of a little Countryside Paper from the hills of Quebec - After he read it, I promptly ripped it out, and stuck it in my journal and in my heart):

"Ennui had made more gamblers than avarice, more drunkards than thirst, and perhaps as many suicides as despair." (C.C. Colton, 1780-1832)

Before this, I always loved how someone had told me that "gratitude is the highest form of thought". After I heard the above statement, I created a saying of my own, and think it is quite true...

My Paraphrase of C.C. Colton:
"Boredom is the lowest form of thought."

So... Be thankful and never give into 'boredom', and it will be sure to go well with you.

This has been your latest installment of "Wisdom, from Yours Truly"... ;-) haha.

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