Friday, June 15, 2012

To Those Interested:

I live in a little room in the backyard.
As I write this, there is a possum trying to make his way through my floorboards. It's very noisy. And my bed actually wiggles a little bit as he scratches. At least I hope it's that opposom that's been around lately. I dearly wish it not to be the skunk family moved in again. They've already sprayed once down there, and my whole room smelled like skunk for weeks - even after I did my best to wash everthing.

Whoever it is, they are very loud. Maybe it's a neighborhood-critter reunion and they've even got the racoons in on it. Well, I am trying to get into my "Snow White Spirit" and pretend like I'm overjoyed that they are all here to keep me company tonight, because I know really, these animals aren't scary.

I feel like if we were to confront each other though, it'd feel like some encounter between two armies that don't speak the same language. We'd both be afraid and not know how to communicate, and not really understand why we're at war. But run from each other nonetheless.

So, I'm just a little jumpy right now. Knowing they're so near. Perhaps I should get a screen door, so that when I leave my door open all day, they won't sneak in and hide under my bed to awake me in the night with a super-close surprise. I don't think I could maintain my inner Snow-White composure if that chanced to happen.

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