Saturday, March 13, 2010


They say photography is a subtractive artfrom. It’s all about cropping, and narrowing, simplifying, focusing in.

Drawing, on the otherhand, is an additive artform. One starts with a blank canvas, then adds to it. One is constantly adjusting, layering, inventing, fixing.

Then we have writing. Another artform. I always would have likened writing to Drawing or Painting. I would have imagined it to fit nicely into the “additive” category.

But now, I am thinking more and more otherwise. These days, when I sit down to write, I speedily begin whacking through the proverbial “jungle” of my mind, till I finally settle upon that one, singular thought I wish to express.

Many authors have perhaps been plagued with the infamous “writers block”, sitting for hours, staring at their page, a wall between them and their creativity.

The problem that befalls me is quite the contrary. I sit for hours staring at my life and wonder: what should I not write? I think sometimes this can be the hardest part of being a writer; choosing their subject matter.

I look out at the vastness of all the experiences I’ve gathered these last 20 years… All the observations, revelations, moments… There is plenty of content. I have to decide where to point my lens, set my shutter and when to snap (!) in order to present you with the perfect composition.

Saying is all about not saying, I’ve decided. Or something like that.

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